
The University of New Mexico’s ECHO Institute is looking for a Strategic Support Manager to join our Global Health Initiatives Team (GHIT). This individual will work with ECHO team members and external partners to design, implement, and evaluate global programs, including those under the ECHO Institute’s WHO Collaborating Centre for Digital Learning in Health Emergencies.

Your responsibilities as the Strategic Support Manager will include:

  • Designing the organizational structure and overseeing recruitment, training, supervision, mentorship, and evaluation of the direct team supporting a variety of global health programs and initiatives to ensure optimal performance and support external partners.
  • Leading the development and implementation of strategies aimed at team member retention and work satisfaction, including team building exercises and professional development.
  • Co-leading the team response to requests for proposals and notices of funding opportunities in global public health areas, such as global health security, surveillance, health systems strengthening, etc. Reviewing these requests and notices to summarize for senior leadership and provide recommendations on application strategy or draft application input.
  • Co-leading the engagement of appropriate stakeholders internally and externally for proposal development.
  • Co-leading the development of early-stage programs with a variety of global stakeholders, with a focus on teams within World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters, WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO), and WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (WHO EMRO).
  • Leading the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of global programs with a variety of partners, including the ECHO Institute’s WHO Collaborating Center for Digital Learning in Health Emergencies.
  • Serving as a principle liaison for team programs with teams internal to Project ECHO and collaborating and implementing partners, vendors, and external stakeholders to meet project deliverables and ensure compliance with University policy/operating standards.
  • Leading the submission of reports for all direct team programs.
  • Supporting the ongoing use of quality improvement of team information management and data analysis tools, including Trello, Box, Salesforce, and PowerBI.
  • Leading direct team contributions to strategic planning and goal development for the WHO Collaborating Center and contributing to other team- and organization-wide strategic initiatives.

Read more about Project ECHO here: https://projectecho.unm.edu/ 

To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume through the UNM careers webpage.