
Job Description and Duties

Under the general direction of the Research Scientist Supervisor III of the Research & Evaluation Branch, Health Equity Research & Statistics Section, the Research Scientist III works as a member of a multi-disciplinary team with the Office of Health Equity’s (OHE) Gender Health Equity Section (GHES). The Research Scientist III plans, organizes, and directs scientific research studies of a highly developed scope and complexity related to the health and health equity of Transgender, Gender Diverse, and Intersex (TGI) populations and leads and oversees the design and implementation of research and evaluation for a complex statewide grant program (the TGI Fund).

The RS III leads and works closely with local nonprofit community-based organizations to develop evaluation goals and objectives, selection of appropriate evaluation designs and statistical techniques, data collection instruments, quality control measures, data analytic methods, and interprets and draws conclusions regarding the intervention or activity being evaluated. Reports on program and research outcomes. Works closely with disparate TGI populations, researchers and TGI Fund grantees to ensure the design and implementation of research and evaluation is culturally and linguistically responsive and community driven.

The RS III Directs and provides evaluation-related technical assistance to grantees needed to determine the effectiveness of individually funded grant programs and the TGI Fund overall in reducing inequities experienced by TGI populations. Directs and oversees statewide evaluation contracts.

The RS III advises GHES staff and CDPH colleagues of pertinent research and research gaps in TGI health, designs and oversees the tracking, monitoring, and reporting of impacts of the GHES technical assistance within and across California Health and Human Services Agency (Agency) and provides training and technical assistance to CDPH programs and offices on TGI-related health equity data and research. The RS III Serves as a subject matter expert for the CDPH and the OHE on sexual orientation and gender identity data collection and best practices.

About The California Department of Public Health

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) works to protect the public's health in the Golden State and helps shape positive health outcomes for individuals, families and communities. The Department's programs and services, implemented in collaboration with local health departments and state, federal and private partners, touch the lives of every Californian and visitor to the state 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our Shared Vision

CDPH public health professionals, researchers, scientists, doctors, nurses, and other staff­ members have a shared vision to protect and improve the health of all Californians. We are dedicated to public service and passionate about our work and the people and communities we serve and protect.